Saturday, October 29, 2016

She Will

Today has been a very tough day, I know even more so for my siblings and my aunt and Mom's husband who are by my mom's side right now. They are exhausted.

My brother and her husband had a long meeting with her doctor this morning and it was not good news. They told them there is no end in sight and there's a pretty definitive possibility we lose our mom. If she recovers we are looking at months in the hospital at a minimum, and critical/ICU care for weeks.

I sent this to my siblings a bit ago and want to share it here too:

I know everyone, me included, is scared. I'm sitting here on the side of the damn road thinking way too fast and too much and I don't know much of anything except this:

Our mom has spent her entire life not just fighting, but kicking ass.

There is absolutely nothing that has been given to her and most things have even been dragged away, but she chased them and she fought for them and she won. Everything, every weapon formed against her has lost. From her parents to our fathers, from a broken system to her own brokenness, nothing has or will conquer our mom and this won't either. She has and will keep proving people wrong.

This is not the first time a doctor or professional has told her something was impossible. Yet, every single time, from birthing babies who they said were too sick to be born to finding and marrying the love of her life after almost 40 years apart, she has said, in her actions, and sometimes words, "Fuck you. I CAN do it." And she has.  And she will.

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